Luetut kirjat 2014

1. Nikki Sixx & Ian Gittins - Heroiinipäiväkirja
2. Mons Kallentoft - Sydäntalven uhri
3. Mons Kallentoft - Suvisurmat
4. Mons Kallentoft - Syyskalma
5. Agatha Christie - Sad cypress
6. Lauren Weisberger - Chasing Harry Winston
7. Malorie Blackman - Noughts & Crosses
8. Malorie Blackman - Knife Edge (Noughts & Crosses #2)
9. Malorie Blackman - Checkmate (Noughts & Crosses #3)
10. Andy McDermott - The hunt for Atlantis
11. C. J. Sansom - Sovereign
12. Steve Berry - The third secret
13. Michael Cordy - The Lucifer code
14. Paul Christopher - Michelangelo´s notebook
15. Carlos Ruiz Zafon - The watcher in the shadows

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